Sibgrapi 2008 - Tutorials

-   Editorial
-   Accepted Work
-   Program Committee

   Welcome to the SIBGRAPI 2008 tutorial sections!

   This year we have an exceptional selection of tutorials prepared for you, that cover a large range of community interest subjects.

   For our two introductory tutorials, one is about the use of OpenCV, an established open library for the development of computer vision applications. Our second tutorial is about image processing for accomplishing visual special effects.

   We also have quite a distinct set of advanced tutorials. One is about the use of CUDA, a new programming language developed by NVIDIA for the use of the new graphics boards in general computing applications, in the domain of augmented reality applications. Our second advanced tutorials deals with surface fitting using parametric pseudo-manifolds.

   We hope you all have an exceptional SIBGRAPI

    Anselmo and Siome
    Tutorial Chairs
     Campo Grande, October 2008


Accepted Work

Efeitos visuais, uma abordagem a partir do processamento digital de imagens
Joao Victor Gomide (Universidade FUMEC) and Arnaldo de Albuquerque (UFMG)
Introdução a Processamento de Imagens e Visão Computacional usando OpenCV
Mauricio Marengoni (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie) and Denise Stringhini (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie)
Fitting Surfaces to Polygonal Meshes using Parametric Pseudo-Manifolds
Jean Gallier (University of Pennsylvania), Dimas Martínez Morera (Universidade Federal de Alagoas), Luis Gustavo Nonato (ICMC, Universidade de São Paulo), Marcelo Siqueira (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul), Luiz Velho (IMPA), and Dianna Xu (Bryn Mawr College)
High Performance Computing: CUDA as a supporting technology for next generation augmented reality applications
Thiago Farias (UFPE), João Marcelo Teixeira (UFPE), Pedro Leite (UFPE), Gabriel Almeida (UFPE), Veronica Teichrieb (UFPE), and Judith Kelner (UFPE)


Program Committee

Chairs: Anselmo Montenegro (UFF) and Siome Klein Goldenstein (UNICAMP)
